Got a parcel of land you’re considering selling? You’re in the right place!
How much does John Rea Land Company charge to list land for sale?
We do not “charge” anything to the seller for advertising, flagging, showings, etc. We earn a commission based on the final purchase price and it’s paid to us out of the proceeds at the closing when your property sells. Our commissions typically range from 5-8% depending on the size of the tract. 5-6% is the typical commission rate for most of our listings.
How does John Rea Land Company market its listings of land for sale?
Advertising our land listings is what sets us apart from many other real estate companies. Not that others don’t do a good job, but John Rea Land Company advertises land to people who buy land…and we do it in ways that distinguish our listings from all the commercial and residential properties on the market. You should have more than just a “for sale” sign on your property – or be in the area MLS – that typically only attracts some local buyers. There are buyers all over the world who may want your property. Bringing these buyers into the mix is how you get a better price for your land…and with all due respect to the big name real estate companies whose signs you see in people’s yards…they just don’t get to those buyers like John Rea Land Company does. It’s an issue of focus, not competence. They try to do it all…we just focus on land!
Our advertising program uses a wide variety of media. John Rea Land Company utilizes the internet as aggressively as anyone in the land business. We use featured ad space on every major land website as well as having our own sites that average several hundred hits per day. And social media??…yea…we’re there, too! We use every major platform…more and more each day! Our main goal is to be where the attention is.
We also take advantage of search engine key-word placements and thousands of email blasts each month that keep our listings in front of buyers. And, yes…we’ll put signs on the property, too.
John Rea Land Company has established a good working relationship with many other brokers and splits commissions fairly in an effort to encourage other real estate agents to show our listings to their clients.
While we’re discussing advertising, consider this fact: Many tracts just need to be stomped around on by people who know and understand land tracts to understand all the features that will help the tract sell. This is another thing that separates John Rea Land Company from the folks with a sign in your neighbor’s yard. We drive muddy trucks and four-wheelers. Reckon how they got that way? It’s one thing to know and have all the places to advertise land as John Rea Land Company does…it’s another thing to know what to say in that advertising and be able to show people the things that matter about your tract.
What types of real estate does John Rea Land Company list?
We specialize in hunting land, timberland & farmland, and ranches. We sell small and large tracts that have residential and commercial development potential, too. We will list land that has a residence on it. We have a wide range of experience with pine and hardwood timberland, coastal marshland, CRP and WRP tracts, waterfront and river tracts, and farmland of most types. Our staff of agents consists of people who are landowners, farmers, ranchers, foresters, land investors, hunters, fishermen, and wildlife specialists. John Rea Land Company has a unique source of knowledge and experiences that we can put to work for you. Just click here to take a look at the variety of hunting land, timberland & farmland listings John Rea Land Company has for sale in Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas, Iowa & Missouri.
What are my obligations if I list my land with John Rea Land Company Realty?
You are only obligated to allow us to market and sell your land for the period of time we agree to in our listing agreements. You agree to pay the commission out of the sales proceeds at closing. You pay no marketing or advertising fees.